by Konstantinos Thomaidis
How can we rethink the importance of voice in performance? How can we understand voice simultaneously as music and text, as sound and body, or as both personal and political?
This book explores voice across genres, media and cultures, inviting the reader to reassess established ways of analysing, enjoying and listening to voice. Using a wide range of case studies integrated with critical and philosophical frameworks, it makes audible the multiple ways in which voice contributes to how we perform identities. From opera and musical theatre to live art and immersive audio walks, Konstantinos Thomaidis presents voice as plural, elusive and ripe for reinvention.
The Theatre& series is a major innovation in theatre scholarship: for the first time, A-list scholars mould cutting-edge thinking about theatre into an easy-to-digest and easy-to-afford form for consumption by everyone. By selecting the key issues, but not shying away from the more complex debates, Theatre& brings the very frontiers of theatre scholarship into the hands of any curious reader, allowing every theatre student and lover to take part in these exciting and challenging discussions. Each book is written by a high-profile theatre scholar and represents the latest critical thinking in the discipline.